Saturday, March 13, 2010

John Boydell / Ferdinand de Braeckeleer

John Boydell

John Boydell was an english painter and engraver and
a lot of prints made by him can still be found on the internet.
However I can represent here one of my eldest watercolours
as John Boydell lived from 1719 untill 1804.
His watercolours seems to be more rare as nothing
can be found on the internet. There is a company
that has an art gallery by the name Boydell as one
of his ancestors started it a long time ago.
The work itself has been done on a thicker piece
of cardboard. A piece of handmade watercolour
paper would have been easier for me to identify
as being that old. Dimensions: 27 / 46 cm.

Ferdinand de Braeckeleer

A non signed litho of Ferdinand de Braeckeleer.
This litho came out of a map sold by one of the
smaller museums in Antwerp. Work on paper.
Dimensions: 30 - 40 cm.

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