Saturday, March 06, 2010

Ronald Bruynooghe / George Louis Busson ( 1859 - 1933 )

Somethimes the way to express appear to be so simple.
In this work, the artist really succeeded to our believe.
The calm atmosphere puts a blanket of melancholy upon
you! Though we don't think it to be Veere (The
Netherlands we assume it to be!
Crayon on paper. Dimensions 25 / 35 cm.

At first we didn't notice the signature and in fact a better way
to observe a work while still anonymous. We have to find out
wether if the artist is Ronald Bruynoghe but  after an e-mail
not an answer yet. Hollidays..... (above left)

George Louis Busson ( 1859 - 1933 )

This famous french watercolourist is well known for his hunting
scenes but besides that he did a lot of subjects with horses and
other animals. The hunting scenes are a bit in the English tradition
but this romantic scene has a lot of charm on its' own.
The title: "La sortie en Caleche a Saumur" would suggest it
to be this work (source: Artprice) but in fact it isn't. They both
share the open carriage but that's about it. Work on paper.
Dimensions: 48 / 63 cm.

A detail of this watercolour that profoundly shows us
the skills he had in portraiting horses. Significant detail
is that coachman depicted here has the same face as
the man sitting on a horse in another watercolor.
And even in the same clothes!

Quite recognizable: His signature which in fact is quite plain.
This watercolour is in good condition regarding its' age.
Only some small spots caused by humidity in combination
with the cardboard these works authentically were backed with.

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